Monday 28 July 2008

YOU made I

I was a dragonfly.
You made me a butterfly.
Colours made the difference.

I was an eagle.
You made me a red-chested robin.
Chirpiness made the difference.

I was a shade of brown.
You made me red.
A tint of yellow, I guess, made the difference.

I was a withering flower.
You made me blossom.
A little water, some manure--love, affection galore.

I was a mourning soul.
You helped me dry my tears.
I was a lost entity.
You helped me regain my self.

I am the life,
YOU are the essence.


Dielle DSouza said...

I like to think you're talking about a spiritual entity, but I believe I sense friendship somewhere.

Namitha said...

Hmmm... U can read it at different levels. I'm glad you thought of spirituality first.

Dielle DSouza said...

Perhaps that's because I don't really believe in friendship...

Namitha said...

Now I'm not getting into arguments... Everyone's personal experiences make beliefs, and I have always had AWESOME friends, so that's the one thing that I do believe in. Yours may have been different; if it is so, may God bless you with better friends...